This Way Events
Join This Way for the 1st Annual Hold’em Poker Tournament!
April 15th, 2023
Check-in & Food starts at 4:30 pm, and Cards are in the air at 6:00 pm.
1020 Colorado Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91911
More Info:
$100 Buys In! The 1st hour, food, and raffle ticket are included in buy-in! Don’t want to play? A $50 Donation to “This Way” will get you food, drinks, and a raffle ticket!
The winner will receive the most valued prize of the night and the top 5 players will also receive a prize! There will be Raffle prizes and Food!

All proceeds directly benefit “This Way” which is a Non Profit (c)(3) organization (Tax ID # 882716002). All prizes are to be determined. (no cash prizes)